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Lulus Hery Triono
Head of Internal Audit

Indonesian citizen, Lulus is the Head of the Internal Audit of VKTR. 

He has served as the Internal Audit Manager at PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk since 2022. His past positions include Senior Internal Auditor at Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan from 2006 to 2020, Internal Audit Supervisor at PT Industri Kereta Api in 2020, and Internal Audit Superintendent at PT Darma Henwa Tbk from 2020 to 2021. Lulus holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) and a Master’s degree in Asset Management and Property Valuation from Gadjah Mada University (UGM).