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Environmental sustainability is embedded in VKTR businesses. VKTR has a responsibility to make the world better.

As global warming reaches approximately 1.21°C in 2022 and is estimated to continually worsen to 1.5°C by 2034 and 2°C by 2060, as well as intensifying transnational tensions and conflicts, it is predicted that there will be disruptions in the supply chain including prices volatility.

Both climate change and conflicts around the globe will damage national economies and negatively affect lives and livelihoods, especially for the most vulnerable. With its natural forest, mangrove, marine life, nickel resources, and other critical materials, Indonesia is the Key in the Playbook for Net Zero Emissions.

In response to this, VKTR is committed to develop innovations alongside supporting Indonesia in realizing the net-zero emissions agenda by 2060 through our ecosystem in partnership with various stakeholders from government to external organizations.