
About Us

The Company was established as PT Bakrie Steel Industries in 2007 with a mandate in commercial vehicle and other metal component distributors. In 2019, the Company focused on distributing commercial vehicle and heavy equipment components for mining contractor companies, palm oil plantations, logistics companies, and other organizations such as Organisasi Angkutan Darat, Asosiasi Pengguna Truk Indonesia, and Ikatan Pengusaha Otobus Muda Indonesia.

PT Bakrie Steel Industries continuously emphasized its commitment to strengthening itself in becoming one of the leading automotive spare parts providers (casting & non-casting materials) with the ‘BOP’ brand, supported by the Engineering & Quality Control team in developing high-quality automotive products for Agen Tunggal Pemilik Merek (ATPM).

In 2022, PT Bakrie Steel Industries, a member of Bakrie & Brothers Group founded by Alm. H. Achmad Bakrie in 1942, transformed into PT VKTR Teknologi Mobilitas Tbk following the founding shareholders’ approval with business focus on electric vehicles’ trading & manufacturing (assembly and carrosserie of electric busses) and electric vehicle spare parts (Original Equipment Manufacturer) trading.

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